Showing posts from category: Tips

Virtual Meeting Etiquette

Virtual Meeting Etiquette

Virtual meetings have become common practice in today’s new working from home world. Here are a few simple tips for success with your next virtual meeting.

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Why You Should Be Doing Desk Yoga

Computers are an important tool for many types of jobs, especially those in the online marketing and graphic design fields. But for those of us that sit in front of one all day, they can be hard on our bodies.

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How To Make Working From Home Work For You

How To Make Working From Home Work For You

Working from home certainly has its perks. But the grass is not always greener. Adjusting from working full time in a shared office space, to working full time from home takes a little getting used to. Here is a glimpse into a day at the home-office, with tips to make working from home work for…

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Digital Detox: Take Time to Unplug

Take Time to Unplug

Just about everyone knows that too much screen time is bad for kids and their developing brains. But too much screen time isn’t great for grown-up brains, either.

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