A Behind the Scenes Look at our Studio’s Creative Process - Graphic Design Wilmington NC // b.Branded CreativeGraphic Design Wilmington NC // b.Branded Creative

A Behind the Scenes Look at our Studio’s Creative Process

A lot goes on behind the scenes at the studio before we are ready to present layouts: creative kick-off meetings, research, brainstorming sessions, rough sketches, rough digital versions, a few rounds of cuts, repeat, some refinement, and then presentation time! For us, the creative process looks a lot like this:


Creative Kick-off Meeting

This happens after we’ve talked to the client about his or her needs and timeline. During our kick-off meeting, our team gets together to share the details of the project and assign tasks.


This process could involve conducting surveys, studying statistics or reviewing the client’s current materials and the competitors’ materials. Whatever gets our brains going.

Brainstorming Sessions and Mood Board Creation

This is where a dry erase board comes in handy. We share what we’ve learned, ruminate over ideas, build on each other’s creativity, and jump to the whiteboard as things get exciting. We’ll then create mood boards to set the tone for the project.

From Paper to Computer

This involves transforming our sketches, ideas and mood boards into versions that will work online and in print.


Soften that color, change this line, kill that concept … you get the idea. Repeat as necessary.

Client Review

Ta da! Now we’re ready to present our work to the client and wait for the oohs and ahhs with fingers crossed that the client is as excited about the results as we are. And that’s how creativity happens, at least in our marketing agency. It takes solid thinking, hard work and a willingness to push toward perfection. And of course coffee. Lots of coffee.

Want to join us for coffee to learn more? Drop us a line at 910.681.0548 or send us an email.